Wednesday, July 15, 2020


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AgrAbility - Multiple Sclerosis

   I want to start off by saying, AgrAbility is like a combination of agriculture and rehabilitation. This program helps those individuals who have a disability, but are still wanting to be involved with their job or livelihood such a farming, to still be able to get out in the fields and on their equipment. They have helped individuals born blind, those who have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI), those who have acquired Multiple Sclerosis, and even individuals with a spinal cord injury. They have managed "cultivating accessible agriculture" (AgrAbility, 2020).

   When I first heard of this company, I was amazed they had a project so neat. I can relate to agriculture in a way, because throughout high school I was in FFA and participated in different competitions and actually got my state degree! So, I was shocked that I had not heard of AgrAbility prior to OT school.

   In looking at resources and stories of individuals they have supported on their website, Mike and Becky Bolte's story stood out to me. I honestly cannot give you a reason why it stood out to me, other than the fact that they had given them different adaptive devices for him and his farming equipment. In the video, the Bolte's state that they have been farming for over thirty years and that it is their livelihood. A neighbor actually told them about AgrAbility and how they could make adaptations to their farm. In 2005, they got in touch with AgrAbility and got hand controls put on Mike's tractors. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is what has impaired Mike's left leg to where he can not push the major pedals needed for running the tractor. It even got to the point, where Mike could not get up in to the tractor. He received a lift, however he kept falling on the lift itself. With that occurring, Mike and Becky decided to call AgrAbility again, and they set him up with a boom lift that is based on a trailer. Now, he is able to use that lift to get into each piece of equipment he has on the farm. Mike and Becky both agree that this program has given him his independence back and it has been a wonderful thing. 

   I encourage everyone to go and check out this fascinating program. Their website has various resources and stories that you may even relate too!


AgrAbility. (n.d.). Success stories. Retrieved July 16, 2020, from

National AgrAbility (2016, June 13). Mike and Becky Bolte [Video]. Youtube.

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