Thursday, April 16, 2020

Biomechanics Blog 2 - Test Positioning

When measuring range of motion (ROM), it is important to palpate for bony landmarks on the client. It is best we do that, in order for us to feel where each arm of the goniometer should be placed to get a more accurate number for ROM. That way, documentation would add up correctly.

The purpose of the "test position" in MMT, is to place our client where their muscle(s) are positioned for optimal muscle contraction. MMT measures strength in MID range. We use MMT to determine weak muscles, which can cause difficulty in the clients daily life and can cause more harm as they start compensating movements. We also use it for data collection to determine baselines, repeated measurements, and decrease the cause of dysfunction that could be happening. We want to make sure our treatment plan is working.
If we see little progress, we want to make sure to change that plan of action.

Along with the MMT, we want to be able to determine ROM, gravity, and resistance. Why gravity? Well, we start by positioning the client against gravity, if we see that they are not able to perform the normal ROM, our next step is to place them in a gravity-eliminated position so their movements are parallel to the ground. This allows those who have weaker muscles, to be able to perform active ROM with the therapist, and still receive accurate readings.

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