Monday, March 23, 2020

"Nature Based Therapy"

Yellowstone 2012

I got the opportunity to listen to a podcast that focuses on whats called "Nature Based Therapy." As soon as I saw the title, I instantly felt like this was something I could connect too. I have always been drawn to the outdoors, because it is where I find peace and adventure. As an occupational therapy student, I can see me doing a session like this. Amy Seymore, the OT that is behind the nature based therapy, spoke on what her sessions consist of. One of the main diagnosis she sees, are those who have sensory processing disorder. What she tries to focus on, is getting those clients out into nature where their are numerous objects for intervention, such as water, sand, mud, dirt, grass, and even gardens.
However, the places with most sensory are based in the woods and around water/streams. Amy states that climbing a tree can simulate being on the trapeze bar in the clinic. Same goes for a river bed of rocks that is similar to stepping stones in the clinical setting.

During a sensory session you can work on grip strength, core, and even vision. Amy states that one way she gets the client to work on grip strength is by hanging from a tree. To work on core, climbing is the best. As for vision, the client can focus on the ants on the ground and leaves in the trees to get the near and far sighted options. In doing this, it helps with attention deficit challenges to facilitate goals and also uses the imagination. Amy states when it comes to feedback from parents, the biggest fear they have is the safety of their child, which is understandable. Thus, she sees more of a change in the natural environment and when parents also assist with this at home.

I really found this to be a neat concept and I am all for getting outdoors, because I do feel that is has multiple advantages for all ages!

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